Amateur Radio (ham radio) is a popular hobby and service that brings people, electronics and communication together. People use ham radio to talk across town, around the world, or even into space, all without the Internet or cell phones. ... You can set up a ham radio station anywhere!
Amateur radio, also known as ham radio, is the use of radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, private recreation, radiosport, contesting, and emergency communication.
The Sevier County Amateur Radio Society is a amateur radio group,of Ham operators from all walks of life, promoting amateur radio, helping our community when asked, enjoying the fellowship of all interested in amateur radio or becoming a Ham! Our club is open to all clubs to come and enjoy sharing information, events .
Club Officers Elected January 2024
President Eric Allen
Vice President Ken Compton
Treasurer Irma Allen
Secretary Candi Justilian
Chaplin Open
Asst Chaplin Eric Allen
Sgt At Arms - Ken Compton
Hamfest Committee
Bud Allen Chairman & Co Founder
Rick Sawaya Chairman & Co Founder
Candi Justiion Hamfest Committee
Andrew Justilion Hamfest Committee & Public Relations Also
Security Ken Compton
Contact Co Founders
Chaplin Open Position
Webmaster- Media Relations -Public Relations , Security
Dealer Contact n4jtq@live.com
Rick Sawaya
Trustee WA4SRS Club Call
Co Founders Of Sevier County ARS
Bud Allen KJ4KKV
Rick Sawaya N4JTQ
SCARS Uses The 146.940 - 118.8 Tone If On For The Repeater Repeater
Of WB4GBI, For All Events General Amateur Talk In
Club Net Meets on Wednesday At 7:30 PM On the
146.850 Repeater Of WB4GBI Tim Berry
Event Staff Will Use Commercial Radio's Also At The Events
Secure Radio Communications Not Published
Plus The 146.940